Smoke Aroma In Liquid Form 30ml
Cost per piece 4,20 €

The aroma of smoke in liquid form is essentially edible smoke powder in water, which finds uses in cooking recipes.

So you do not need to have a barbecue in your yard to give a smoky aroma to your food. A few drops of liquid tobacco aroma in your recipes are good enough to give the impression that they have been smoked naturally. Pleasantly surprise your food even the simplest by giving them the feeling of smoky. Vegans use it to give a barbecue or bacon aroma to their vegetarian culinary tastes.

Liquid smoke aroma is contained in many finished products that we buy and most of us can consume it without knowing it. E.g. In the supermarket there are commercial barbeque sauces and on the counter with cold cuts you will find smoked turkey, smoked ham, smoked sausage that may not have been smoked naturally but may contain a liquid tobacco aroma.

We think that the smell is very strong, very heavy, so use it sparingly, in very small quantities, because too much of it may spoil your recipe.

In which recipes is the liquid tobacco aroma used?

With the liquid aroma of smoke make eggplant salad, cheese salad, curry pastes, drinks, dips, barbecue sauces, marinades, dressings for salmon, in all seafood, meat and poultry. Put it in soups, in oily, in legumes, in chocolate drinks.

This is to inform you that we are not doctors. What is written above has a simple character and in no way replaces medical application. Always consult your doctor about your health issues.