Black Mustard Seeds
Cost per kilo 6,80 €

Black mustard seeds are the seeds derived from the annual plant Brassica Nigra which in comparison to its counterpart Brassica hirta, the white or yellow mustard seed plant, need plenty of water and moisture to grow. The seeds are usually used as a spice.

The plant is believed to be native to the southern region of Europe and possibly South Asia where it has been cultivated for thousands of years. The spice is generally made from the ground seeds of the plant, with the seed coats removed. They are very flavorful seeds, though not very aromatic.

They are commonly used in Indian cuisine, for example in curry. In Ethiopia, besides the seeds being used as a spice, they also use the plant's shoots and leaves when cooking. Ground seeds mixed with honey were widely used in eastern Europe as a cough suppressant and a cataplasm of ground seeds, flour and water was used in Canada to treat respitory infections. The cataplasm was applied on the chest or back area and caused the person to feel a stinging sensation.

There have also been religious mentions of black mustard seeds, as it is believed that Jesus had mentioned the seeds in Matthew 13:31-32.

Caution: Black mustard and mustard seeds need to be treated with care when used. The amount of 10 grams per day are consired sufficient, because the seeds can cause infections. It is adviced that mustard seeds and mustard oil are not consumed undissolved because they can have a very caustic effect. The plant's essential oil is especially strong and can even cause severe skin irritation. The seeds must not be consumed by hypertensive patiens and people suffering from kidney disease.

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